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The IMA Education Foundation

Janice M. Christiansen Female in Business Scholarship

Each scholarship is for a one-time $3,750 scholarship and is open to any female Illinois resident that is either applying for enrollment or is currently enrolled in an Illinois institution of higher education and enrolled any business related classes (business administration, economics, etc.)

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Janice M. Christiansen Female in STEM Scholarship

Each scholarship is for a one-time $3,750 award and is open to any female Illinois resident that is either applying for enrollment or is currently enrolled in an Illinois institution of higher education and enrolled any science, technology, engineering or math (STEM).

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Lynne Mohr Scholarship

Applications are being accepted for the annual Lynne Mohr Scholarship that is awarded to students in skilled trades that are pursuing a career in manufacturing. Lynne was a former IMA Board Member who tragically passed away from cancer.  Her family created an endowed scholarship through the IMA Education Foundation with proceeds from annual bicycle rides by her cousin across the U.S. and Europe funding the scholarship. Three years ago, he rode from Brite-O-Matic in the Chicago suburbs to Montana. This year, George Maurer bicycled the Arctic Circle traveling across Norway and Finland. If you know of a deserving student interested in a manufacturing career, please encourage them to apply here for the scholarship.

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The number one challenge facing employers is the ability to find talented workers possessing the right knowledge and skills to help companies compete in today’s marketplace.  All too often, young people simply don’t know the wide array of career opportunities manufacturing offers.

We can change that through Manufacturing Month in October.

When manufacturers work with area middle and high schools to expose young people to manufacturing, it opens the door to a better understanding of the world in which we live and gives spark to the creative spirit. Manufacturing Month in Illinois is the best statewide platform to collectively advance industry as a career of first choice.

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Scaling Transformative Advanced Manufacturing Pathways (STAMP) Grant

Led by the Illinois Manufacturers’ Association in partnership with Education Systems Center (EdSystems) at Northern Illinois University, Scaling Transformative Advanced Manufacturing Pathways (STAMP) will seed the launch, enhancement, and expansion of high-quality manufacturing college and career pathway programs in nine community college regions, 19 school districts, and 31 high schools. In 2022 and 2023, STAMP will serve over 1,400 high-risk youth ages 16+ who face one or more barriers to education, training, and employment.

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STAMP Scholarship Announcement

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