To find your State Representative and State Senator, click here.
We highly encourage all IMA members to connect with their legislators to share your opposition to the proposed Illinois Jobs Tax.
When contacting a Legislator:
- Know your Senator and Representative by name.
- Use your own words and convey your own story.
- If your Senator or Representative is unable to speak with you, please leave a message, including your number, so you can be called back.
- Send a follow-up note or email after your conversation which restates your position and offers further discussion if the legislator desires.
- Contact the IMA to share your conversation with your legislator, and any information or positions they provided.
- Knowingly misstate or use a fact. If you don’t know the answer to a question, don’t fake it. Offer to find the answer and get back to them soon.
- Leave out essential details.
- Interject party politics or criticize other legislators.
- Attempt to play one chamber against the other.
- Criticize the opposition.
- Threaten to “work against” or to note vote for your elected official.
- Get angry if your member cannot speak with you personally.